Documents, Books, and Videos
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Documents, Books, and Video Tapes

Documents and Books

Welcome Packet Flyers - 5.00
Controlled America Information, events and lectures
CAHE Citizens Against Human Experimentation
CAHRA Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse
ACHES Advocacy for Human Experimentation Survivors & Mind Control
Websites and Addresses of more Mind Control sites
EM Symptoms
EM Shielding
EM Book list
2 Articles on Mind Control

Controlled America Packet 2 - .00
Microchips, implants, and history of Electromagnetic related health ailments

Controlled America Packet 3 - .00
History of Mind Control and Electromagnetic Energy

Controlled America Packet 4 - .00
Directed Energy Weapons including extremely low frequency Electromagnetic energy, radio frequency, scalar, infrasound, and acoustics.

Betsy Manning - 6.00
Dr Rauni Kilde Packet, implants, microchips, surveillance, victims and research hospitals.


International campaign to End Human Rights Violations Involving Classified new Weapons of Mass Destruction:Electromagnetic and Neurological Technologies by Cheryl Welsh.

This book is a compilation of vast research which exposes the truth about the nonconsensual human experimentation involving electromagnetic and neurological weapons testing programs in the U.S. and around the world. Victims, Humna experimentation, electromagnetic technologies, and national and international politics.

Invisible Health Hazards of Cell Phones & Cellular Antennas Compiled and Edited by Betsy Russell-Manning. This is an excellent book about the Elctromagnetic Smog: Bathing the Human Family in Microwaves.

U.S. Citizens Betrayed - A Mind Control book with Nuremburg Code, Constitution, Patient rights, Financial disclosure of human experimentation in the U.S. in the 90's, Books, and websites for research. By Betsy Russell Manning.



20.00 + 2.00 shipping and handling
"Stop Government Mind Control" by Cheryl Welsh and Mike Duffey. This tape has clips from 5 Mind Control documentaries, Interviews with 5 EM victims,and Interview with Cheryl and Mike, and news footage. 7 scientist and their discoveries about mind control.

ControlledAmerica lecture tapes April 28,2001
15.00 + 2.00 shipping and handling each tape

Tape 1 - An Overview of Electromagnetic Manipulation" by Tedd St. Rain

Tape 2 - Government Directed Energy Mind Control Experimentation by Rod Orr, Directed Energy Weapons & Protection from Electromagnetic Waves by Marc Sausman and Ron Rhoades.

Tape 3 - Government Harassment and The Pranormal by Albert Taylor. "Victims of Controlled America by Mary Ann Stratton.

Tape 4 - "Victims of Controlled America" by Mary Ann Stratton.

Tape 5 Victims of the 'New Controlled America" by Mary Ann Stratton

ControlledAmerica Lecture tapes August 25, 2001
20.00 each + 2.00 shipping and handling
Eldon Byrd - "Mind Control Technologies:Past,Present,and Future."

15.00 each + 2.00 S/H
Mr. Obalajii kheophren Rust - "How a Healthy Diet can Combat the Effects of non-Ionizing Radiation"

15.00 each + 2.00 S/H
Spectrum International Intelligence Network - Ron Rhoades "How to Detect and Stop Electronic harassment"

15.00 each + 2.00 S/H
Tedd St. Rain - " Aids, Concentration Camps, Haarp, New World Order"

15.00 each + 2.00 S/H
Rod Orr - " Government Directed Energy Mind Control Experimentation Part 2"

15.00 each + 2.00 S/H
Mary Ann Stratton - "Victims of the New Controlled America Part 4"

Controlled America lecture Feb. 2, 2002
Dr. Len Horowitz - You can receive a tape of Dr. Len Horowitz on his book "Death in the Air: globalism, Terrorism, and toxic Warfare" at his http;// website or call 1-800-336-9266.

20.00 + 2.00 S/H
Col. John Alexander- Directed Energy Weapons-
"Future War- Non-lethal Weapons in twenty first Century Welfare"

20.00 + 2.00 S/H
Ted Gunderson and Doug Millar
Satanic Ritual Abuse and Government Mind Control programs

15.00 + 2.00 S/H
Spectrum International Intelligence Network
(Ron Rhoades)- Electronic Harassment and the U.S. Government involvement

15.00 + 2.00 S/H
Rod Orr- U.S. Govt. harassment/torture program using Directed Energy Weapons like Extremely low frequency electromagnetic energy for mind control purposes.

15.00 + 2.00 S/H
Mary Ann Stratton - Victims of the New Controlled America part 5.>

July 6, 2002

.00 + 2.00 S/H
Walter Bowart - "Operation Mind Control"

.00 + 2.00 S/H
Jerry E. Smith - " Haarp the Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy"

.00 + 2.00 S/H
Ted Gunderson - " CIA Satanic Ritual Abuse"

.00 + 2.00 S/H
Mary Ann Stratton - " Today's U.S. Govt. Harassment/torture/mind control directed energy program"

Cassette tapes are also available for all of the July 6, lecturers they are .00 + 2.00 S/H

Johanna C. - " The Mkultra program and her Mkultra experience.



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Mary Ann Stratton P.O. Box 728 San Bernardino, Ca. 92402
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